Evolving Web Technologies


This module is in the second semester and is a kind of continuation of first semesters 'Web Devlopment' and I still feel it is one of the most important subjects of the course. In this module we learn all about Responsive Web Design, more advanced use of HTML and CSS, and SEO! What is SEO? SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines. (Source)

Continuous Assessment

There are no formal exams for this subject but you are required to complete three projects. The first of which is worth 50% and it is a news website that is to be made to be used for the large project in Advanced Web Programming. There is an SEO assignment which is the purpose of this entire website and a third research project.

Insiders Hints and Tips

This subject is by far my favourite as I personally enjoy the puzzle of positioning things with CSS but thats just me. The first project is huge so you must immediately get started on it as soon as you can. My main bit of advice for this is BACK UP! Back up everything... and often. You dont want to work on something for hours and find it has disappeared or you forgot to save it.