Advanced Web Programming


Web programming refers to the writing, markup and coding involved in Web development, which includes Web content, Web client and server scripting and network security. The most common languages used for Web programming are XML, HTML, JavaScript, Perl 5 and PHP. Web programming is different from just programming, which requires interdisciplinary knowledge on the application area, client and server scripting, and database technology.(Source) This module is in the second semester and is a continuation of first semesters 'Web programming'. It moves from Javascript to an entire new language, PHP. You also learn how to implement back end functionality with Code Igniter and learn about XML and Web Services. What is PHP? PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP code may be embedded into HTML or HTML5 markup, or it can be used in combination with various web template systems, web content management systems and web frameworks.(Source)

Continuous Assessment

There is a final semester exam worth 40% and three projects for this subject. The first project involves adding a back end to a previously created website and connecting it to a database and the second is a short written report and a lab like previous Javascript labs.

Insiders Hints and Tips

This is the subject where almost everything you've learned so far comes together. You will be creating a website in HTML, converting it to PHP and connecting it to a database using the Model View Controller method with Code Igniter. This is a difficult module. It will eat up a lot of your time BUT it is very important you dont neglect it! Yet again, ask for help! The lecturers are great at answering questions and explaining how to manage errors.