Multimedia Database Systems and Design


A Multimedia database (MMDB) is a collection of related multimedia data. The multimedia data include one or more primary media data types such as text, images, graphic objects (including drawings, sketches and illustrations) animation sequences, audio and video.(Source) This runs for the first semester only and is the basic theory of multimedia databases. You learn how to manage and sort tables (relations) and how to use SQL to interact with the database and its tables. We use Microsoft Access at the beginning and then move up to phpMyAdmin What is SQL? It is short for Structured Query Language and it is used to interact with data in a database. You can Create, Insert, Update and Delete data with SQL.

Continuous Assessment

Continuous Assessment makes up 60% of this module and that is made up of small assignments and tasks to be completed in class and in-class tests some of which are open book. 40% of thi module is based on an end of semester exam in December.

Insiders Hints and Tips

The theory can be hard to grasp at first but once you start entering and updating data in a database and practice with Access and phpMyAdmin, all the theory becomes more obvious and easier to understand. This only runs for one semester but you will be using databases in the next semester for a prject so it is a good idea to get familiar with the theory and practical aspects of databases. I struggled with this subject and received Learning Support with others in my class.