Human Cognition and communication


This is an elective module in the second semester that is 100% theory based. It covers a broad range of topics such as language, visual perception, attitudes and emotions, and body language to name a few. It is diverse, interesting and is used to provide better understanding of how humans interact with each other and technology. It offers insights into UX design by studying human nature and cognitive abilities. The other elective is Project Management that my friend decided to take on as her elective. What is cognition? It encompasses processes such as knowledge, attention, memory and working memory, judgment and evaluation, reasoning and "computation", problem solving and decision making, comprehension and production of language, etc.

Continuous Assessment

There is a formal end of semester exam worth 60% of the module and the rest is made up of written practicals that cover the weekly course load.

Insiders Hints and Tips

This subject involves a lot of learning but the topics are interesting. I recommend doing the practicals as soon as you get them even if they aren't worth too many marks individually and its not a good idea to let them mount up. I can tell you they very easily mount up and still make up 40% of the module.