3D Graphics


Three-dimensional computer graphics (3D computer graphics, in contrast to 2D computer graphics) are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data (often Cartesian) that is stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering 2D images.(Source) This module is very intense. It covers a lot of theory along side 3 or 4 practical assignments. You learn the basics of animation, light models in 3d graphics and kinematics. It also teaches you how to use the graphics package 3D Studio Max which is a part of the Autodesk software roll out. To use the software was easy as you could download and practice on your own computer as a student. This module runs for the first semester only.

Continuous Assessment

There is no final semester exam for this subject but there are assignments and frequent closed book moodle quizzes.The assignments include creating a room with a table, creating a still life fruit bowl and creating a pool table and animation of action with the pool table.

Insiders Hints and Tips

Without a doubt this is a difficult subject to grasp with a steep learning curve if you have never used 3d graphics packages before like Maya or Blender. The theory will take a lot of time to learn and the quizzes are difficult. I suggest availing of Learning Support if you feel you are struggling with the practical side. The theory only requires time to study but it can be hard to do this and other subjects but the solution to this is to listen and ask questions in class if you are confused. I also suggest learning to back up your assignment work as sometimes files can go missing if you arent careful!