Interactive Multimedia Design


Interaction design is a process in which designers focus on creating engaging web interfaces with logical and thought out behaviors and actions. Successful interactive design uses technology and principles of good communication to create desired user experiences(Source) This module covers a vast amount of material. You learn about design principles, web design protocol and procedures and other User Experience fundamentals. You use the Adobe Creative Cloud software such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign to complete assignments and it is very much creatively based.

Continuous Assessment

This module consists of continuous assessment only in the form of assignments/projects. One of our assignments involved designing a CD cover, creating personal and commerical logos and website interface evaluation

Insiders Hints and Tips

The user friendly interface in the Adobe Suite is quick to get a grasp of. Almost noone needed learning support and managed to learn how to use the software with a little help with It is worth while investing time learning how to use Photoshop/Illustrator as it is a very good skill to have for other assignments and projects!